
The FBSCEC Preschool Program provides social and learning experiences for children in a gentle nurturing environment. Teachers encourage creativity and curiosity from each child as they guide them to develop a positive attitude toward learning. Each day’s activities provide numerous opportunities for children to see Christian values modeled and the gospel message presented. The A BEKA curriculum is the primary curriculum used in the preschool and kindergarten.


This is a sample schedule.  Exact times and activities vary by classroom.

8:30-8:50 Pledge/Prayer
8:50-9:00 Skills Development
9:00-9:20 Alphabet with Phonics Sounds
9:20-9:40 Handwriting
9:40-10:00 Language Development
10:00-10:20 Snack
10:20-10:45 Bible Lesson
10:45-11:15 Recess
11:20-11:35 Story Time or Books
11:35-11:45 Pack up for preschool early dismissal
11:45 Preschool Dismissal
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-2:10 Nap
2:10-2:30 Snack
2:30-4:00 Play Centers
4:00-4:45 Recess
4:45-5:50 Play Centers/Story Time/Art Games

Music on Tuesday
Science on Wednesday or Thursday
Chapel on Thursday


Newsletter applies to all K4 Classes: October Newsletter
